
Thank you for writing the book Diabetes Solution. We were made aware of your book after my wife learned she had Type II diabetes last year. We purchased the book from Bayer after we purchased the Elite Blood Glucose Meter. My wife was advised by her doctor to attend a meeting with a nurse from the local Visiting Nurses Association to get instructions regarding use of the blood glucose meter, diet, exercise, etc. She was advised by the nurse to follow the instructions in the eleven NIH publications by NIDDK that explain in detail all aspects of living with diabetes.

The directions given by NIH were in complete disagreement with those given in your book. We decided to follow your advice since you put the control of blood sugar levels as the number one priority. As you know the NIH has that low on their list of priorities after a balanced diet and exercise.

My wife is 73 years old and since she started following the advice in your book she takes no medication, has little trouble controlling her blood sugar levels, has lost about 20 pounds and weighs about 145 pounds. She has had her eyes and heart thoroughly checked and they are OK. She exercises daily and feels much better than she has for over a year. We are convinced that if she had followed the advice in the NIH publications she would be struggling with the balancing act of following their diet, exercising and taking medication to maintain proper blood sugar levels.

She has had a complete lipid profile done. All aspects of the test were within range except for her HDL, which was at 80 mg/dl, well above the reference range. Her doctor stated that no one could tell that my wife had diabetes by looking at her test.

I am writing this letter to thank you for the book and also because I am troubled that we are going against the advice of NIH and NIDDK. I cannot understand why the NIH continues to advise diabetics in the wrong direction. Is it just that your programs are so new that these large organizations have not had the time to study and agree with them? Your arguments and proof are overwhelming. I cannot understand why the medical community cannot get its act together.

Rex Lewis

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