Buffalo Style Chicken Wings

Buffalo Chicken Wings by Renee Kennedy
4 servings, 0.75gm CHO, 3.67 oz PRO per serving CHO (gm) PRO (gm)
24 split chicken wings, about 14.4 oz  86.4
Canola oil or Peanut oil (enough to cover wings about 1 1/2 quarts)  —  —
Franks® RedHot® Sauce  —  —

Wash wings and pat dry.  Use either a deep oil fryer or you can use a heavy sauce pan to heat oil. When oil is hot, fry wings 4-6 at a time. Fry for about 12-15 minutes, wings should be crispy on the outside, even a little brown.

Remove from heat and drain on a paper towel. While still hot, put the wings in a bowl and cover with Franks® RedHot® Sauce. For a little more zing you can add other types of hot and spicy sauces.