Low Carbohydrate Sweet Ricotta Torte

Sweet Ricotta Torte from The Diabetes Diet
6 servings, 4.7gm CHO, 2.4 oz PRO per serving CHO (gm) PRO (gm)
15 oz whole-milk ricotta cheese  14.0  49.0
1/3 cup ground toasted almonds  6.2  6.73
4 eggs  2.4  24.0
1 1/2 Tbsp Da Vinci sugar-free almond syrup  —  —
1 1/2 Tbsp Da Vinci sugar-free vanilla syrup  —  —
1 packet (1/2 tsp) stevia, or to taste  —  —
2 Tbsp grated coconut  1.5  0.5
1/3 cup heavy cream  2.7  2.13
2 Tbsp sliced and blanched almonds, toasted  1.3  4.0
Butter to grease 9-inch pie pan  —  —

Preheat oven to 350°F.

Mix ricotta and ground almonds. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing each one. Add flavorings, stevia, coconut, and cream. Pour mixture into a buttered 9-inch pie pan. Top with toasted almonds. Bake at 350°F for about 30 minutes.